Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Please Join Me In Welcoming J.D. Brown, Author of Dark Heirloom

At twenty-seven years old J.D. Brown is a youngster by my lights, but she already knows her stuff. She's written a dynamic novel, Dark Heirloom, a story about a vampire who isn't quite what she is supposed to be. It's a compelling urban fantasy. We'll go into Dark Heirloom later, but first let's get to know J.D. a little better, as she answers some of my questions:

1. What is your favorite book?

This changes often depending on what book I’m currently engrossed in. Right now I’m between books, but two of my favorites are First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones and The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare.

2. Who is your favorite writer?

It’s a tie between Anne Rice and Orson Scott Card.

3. If the answers to 1 & 2 are different, why?

Rice and Card are the classic literary geniuses of their time. I love their books and admire and respect all they’ve done in the industry. While I enjoy Clare and Jones’ books, they’re not quite at the same level as Rice and Card yet. They might be some day and that would be awesome.

4. How old were you when you were first published?

I was 26. It was almost a year ago.

5. What writing style do you most abhor?

I wouldn’t say that I hate any specific style - after all, my reading tastes are pretty wide. But there are some pet peeves that will make me stop reading a book. #1 is too much head hoping. I prefer books written in first person point of view because I know there won’t be any head hoping in them. #2 is a predictable plot line an/or stereotypical characters. #3 is too much telling or author narration. I prefer deep character point of view.

6. What is your favorite writing cliché?

I guess it would be vampires? Haha. That’s the thing about clichés, you tend to not like them since they‘re so overused. But I still love vampires.

7. What is your favorite word?

“Love”. It sounds pretty in every language, even when it’s spoken silently.

8. When and how do you write? (typewriter, Mac, in a café, for four hours each morning, etc?)

I’m partial to my PC but got a new laptop and hope to try writing in Starbucks this summer. I usually write either very late at night or very early in the morning. It’s when I’m most creative.

9. What is your greatest fear when you first turn in a manuscript?

Probably the same fear as anyone else; it’s crappy, not ready to be judged and torn apart by the editors, and I should have spent more time on it. Haha. But authors can only do some much.

10. In what era do you wish you’d been born?

Oh, I’m content with this era. I love my technology and my running hot/cold water and wouldn’t dare go back in time without it. If anything, I may go a little ways into the future just to see if we ever event a teleporter device.

11. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

I’m sure it’s things like “OMG” and “LOL” and “dude”. I end up cutting them out of my manuscript a lot.

12. Which talent would you most like to have?

That depends, do you mean a human talent or a supernatural talent? I really wish I was more musically inclined. I love music, but I can’t sing, dance, or play an instrument. As for a supernatural talent, it would be a tie between either being able to fly like Super Man or being able to turn invisible.

13. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Getting published is definitely tops.

14. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

Am I allowed to vote for my own characters? I can’t help it, I love Ema from my book Dark Heirloom. She just cracks me up.

15. How would you like to die?

Hmm… Something painless but not instant. I would like to say my good-byes first and leave a proper will.


Blurb: “You’re a vampire” is so not what Ema Marx wants to hear when she wakes from a two-day coma in a cryptic yet exquisite castle in northern Finland. Unfortunately, it explains a lot. Like why she’s able to see in the dark and walk through solid objects. What she doesn’t understand is why the other vampires expect her to have all the answers. It’s their fault she turned into one of them…right?
Jalmari’s hatred for his old-man intensifies when he’s ordered to bring that troublesome girl to their castle. He has a clan to run, there’s no time for babysitting newborn vampires no matter how they were converted to their culture. But when a two-thousand-year-old premonition threatens to take the crown and his life, Jalmari sees no other choice than to take out the catalyst. Ema Marx. Fortunately for Ema, she could also be the clan’s only savior.
The race to figure out her vampiric origins is on. And maybe she’ll get the hang of the blood-drinking gig along the way…


Short excerpt:

My reflection haunted me as I stood with my forehead pressed against the mirror in the bathroom. I couldn’t feel the glass. My brain told me it should’ve been cold and hard, but all my skin felt was pressure.
I looked like a zombie. My tan had disappeared, replaced by liquid white, my skin a numb rubbery latex. My teeth fanged like an animal’s. My eyes…
Two days ago, my eyes were bright brown. Now they were the darkest shade of black, like onyx beads. The irises blended into freakishly wide pupils. Little specks of scarlet glittered in tiny splashes around the irises. Shuddering, I stepped away from the mirror.
I couldn’t believe it. One thing was for sure; they weren’t human. Humans couldn’t fly or walk through walls. Humans couldn’t hear or smell things from miles away with precise accuracy. They couldn’t see distinct detail or vivid color in the dark of night.
Aliens, ghosts, monsters…it didn’t matter what name they chose. The fact remained the same; they were convinced I was one of them now.


Buy Links:
Amazon Kindle
MuseItUp Publishing Inc.


Author Bio: J.D. Brown graduated from the International Academy of Design and Technology with a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her two Pomeranians. Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, her writing is influenced by the multicultural urban society of her youth which she continues to visit each summer. J.D. loves paranormal characters; from vampires and werewolves, demons and angels, to witches and ghost. Her writings are often a combination of suspense and romance.
J.D.’s books are available in e-book formats from Muse It Up Publishing Inc. and major e-book retailers. She loves to hear from readers. You can reach her via email to or visit her website at
Author’s Links:
Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Profile
J.D.’s Blog
J.D.’s Book Club

Thanks for visiting today! Below is the book trailer for Dark Heirloom. Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Hi JD - Hi Heather *waves* Two awesome ladies in one spot...what a treat. Love the interview. I'm always learning something new about my writer friends and sisters.

I love Ema also...she hits it perfect when she wakes up 'vampire'. Who does that?? Ema *smile*

Heather Haven said...

Thanks for dropping by, Kay Dee. I have to say, while I am not normally into vampires, this Ema strikes a chord in me. I think I'd like to check her out more. A wonderful slant on this particular theme!

Stacy Green said...

I'm late to this, but what a great interview. Loved getting to know J.D. on a more personal level.

Stacy Green (