I am a fan of Ginger Simpson's. It isn't just that she's an across the board genre author of some note, it's that she's a helluva gal. It shows in her work. There's always some small life-lesson we can take away from her writing, even if it's don't take yourself so seriously; keep your sense of humor.
From Young Adults to Westerns to Romance to Mystery, there's always a piece of Ginger there for the taking.

and see 40, yes, 40 books written by this prolific author. Here is the cover of just one of her books, Hattie's Heroes. I believe Hattie's Heroes is her latest offering and can't wait to read it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get around to all of her work, only 4 or 5 books, but I've loved the ones I've read. Diverting, entertaining, real life with a touch of magic.
Like the rest of us, Ginger has had her share of misfortune. Life has a way of being generous in the negative sometimes. But it never affects Ginger's writing. It never affects what she has to offer as an author. If you haven't read any of her books, you're in for a treat. Sometimes soft and mellow, sometimes harsh and shocking, sometimes romantic and loving, but always sprinkled with the unique Ginger Simpson point of view. A very big plus.
For a little bit more about this author, visit Ginger Simpson's Website - http://www.gingersimpson.com/
Her books can also be found at:
Books We Love - http://bookswelove.net/gingersimpson.php
MuseItUp - http://tinyurl.com/954cuur
Be sure to come back on the 22nd of October, because I've been...
Tagged: The Next Big Thing - Find Out What I'm Working On!
Well done, Heather, and congrats to the indefatigable Ms. Ginger.
Best wishes to both of you,
Congratulations to Ginger because she deserves it. A hard working woman with an amazing writer's voice.
Thanks for your support or feedback!
Heather, truer words were never spoken. All of us who've met Ginger Simpson have been blessed. Writer, friend, humorist. Ginger Simpson is the total package.
Heather, you've done a fine job presenting our wonderful Ginger. She is truly a prolific writer and an outstanding person!
Good idea to focus on spicy Ginger. Truly a prolific storyteller and a special person.
Ginger has been kind and giving for all the time I've known her. She's a wonderful writer--all the way from beautiful descriptions to smart dialogue to comedy--with which she regularly blesses us fellow BWL authors.
I'm awed and deeply flattered to have such awesome and supportive friends
I've read a couple of Ginger's books and have a couple more that are waiting to be read.
Yeah, well, it's hard to be humble when you're talking about your friends, you know.
I love Ginger, too. She is the kind of person who takes everyone who has met her, under her wing. At least that is what she made me feel like when I was a newbie.
Ha, I still feel that way. Once your friend she is one for life.
You deserve all the praise in these comments, Ginger. Can we clone you?
I love Ginger too. She is such a wonderful writer, I have read several of her books, not only that, she is a wonderful person too. She has had a few bad breaks in her life but is always able to overcome these obstacles that would crush a lesser woman.
I feel honoured to call her one of my friends.
How prolific Ginger is! Nice tribute!
Well Ginger is one of the first authors to offer her blog to this newbie writer for an interview, which I am eternally grateful for. Aside from her prolific and talented multi genre works, her sense of humor and wit is legend, and she has made me giggle on many occasions during the last two years! Hope to see that humor grace the cyber airways again soon, because laughter is the best medicine!
Hugs to you Ginger!
Wow! That's a fantastic pic of your mother! Your book sounds great! Congratulations! :)
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