Originally from New York, my husband and I moved to Florida when our three children were young. I’ve worn several hats in my life—started out working as a legal secretary while studying art, taught painting and drawing for a number of years, then worked for my church until I retired. During that time I obtained a degree in marriage and family therapy and did individual and family counseling as my ministry. I’m an avid reader and soon discovered I love writing too.
My first book Betwixt and Between was published last May. An e-book for tweens (ages 10 to 14), it’s a fantasy/adventure story about the spiritual journey of a 13-year old boy named Michael, who is sent on a Quest by his Guardian Angel. I’m currently writing a sequel to it called Above and Beyond and recently completed the rewriting of a mystery titled Long Shadows.
Q. What is your favorite book?
A. Haven’t got a favorite, but I love cozy mysteries.
Q. Who is your favorite writer?
A. Can’t pick between the following two: Agatha Christie and Mary Higgins Clark.
Q. When and how do you write?
A. I try to write in the morning for an hour or two, take a break for lunch and go back to work for a couple of hours though I don’t always succeed.
Q. In what era do you wish you’d been born?
A. In spite of all our current problems, I’m glad I was born in this era. After all, we have antibiotics, cars, trains and planes, frozen yogurt and chocolate chip cookies. (They must be milk chocolate chips).
Q. Which talent would you most like to have?
A. A beautiful singing voice.
Q. What is your favorite word?
A. Love. Not just romantic love, also parent love, friendship love, grandparent love—the list could go on and on. I like the old saying: “Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” -Franklin P. Jones
Q. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
A. Poirot.
Q. Who is your favorite heroine of fiction?
A. Miss Marple.
Q. How would you like to die?
A. I’d like to go to sleep and have a dozen angels scoop me up in the middle of the night and carry me off to Paradise. Wouldn’t that be fun?

A little bit about Betwixt and Between...
Plunged into a whirlpool, teenager Michael loses consciousness and awakens to find himself suspended in a bizarre new world. There he meets Evannius, his Guardian Angel. Evannius sends him on a Quest in the strange land of Betwixt and Between. Michael must discover who he truly is before he can return home. Using his wits and all his energy, he struggles to reach his goal. If he succeeds in the Quest, what will he find? What is the secret knowledge awaiting him?
Hi Heather and Grace. I liked your interview and bio. Especially like the love quote. Good luck with your book.
Betwixt and Between sounds like the place where all of us are! Great post, both of you!
Three cheers for love in all its forms! Wouldn't the world be a gruesome place without it? Don't even go there.
Good luck for continued sales of your book, Grace!
Your book sounds interesting. We need more books for boys. My son (10 years-old) is constantly looking for good, solid reads. I'm going to put your book on his TBR pile.
Great interview. Thanks for sharing!
Author of Concilium, available July 2012
Concilium: The Departure, November 2012
Grace is my cousin and friend. Just when I thought it couldn't get much better, she turns out to be a writer, too!
Thanks, Heather, for hosting me on your blog and thank you, also, to all who wrote such gracious comments.
Ahhh, I know this lady! I met her in person at the Montreal Retreat. Grace, you are one delightful and lovely individual. I even had breakfast (kinda) with you at the airport on the return trip home.
What a treat and your answers are adorable. Big hugs and I hope to one day meet you again.
p.s. No surprise you are Heather's cuz. Love you both!
Lovely interview, Grace. Great job. And a really nice blog, Heather. You guys rock.
C.K. Volnek
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